oUR OFFERINGS INContract Management
For many enterprises, contract management continues to be splintered among legal, procurement, finance, and sales teams. This fragmentation results in contracts scattered throughout the enterprise, with disconnected workflows and inconsistent language and terms. At a minimum, missed obligations result in lost revenue, unnecessary cost, and unwanted renewals. At worst, they can cause noncompliance or breach of contract situations that may lead to fines or litigation. The good news is that Blake Consulting LLC exists to help you avoid these risks.
oUR OFFERINGS INContract Management
For many enterprises, contract management continues to be splintered among legal, procurement, finance, and sales teams. This fragmentation results in contracts scattered throughout the enterprise, with disconnected workflows and inconsistent language and terms. At a minimum, missed obligations result in lost revenue, unnecessary cost, and unwanted renewals. At worst, they can cause noncompliance or breach of contract situations that may lead to fines or litigation. The good news is that Blake Consulting LLC exists to help you avoid these risks.
Current openingsA Full List of Our
Offerings Below:
Blake Consulting LLC manages contract creation, execution, and analysis to maximize your
operational and financial performance, while reducing financial and legal risks.
Current openingsA Full List of Our
Offerings Below:
Blake Consulting LLC manages contract creation, execution, and analysis to maximize your operational and financial performance, while reducing financial and legal risks.
OUR SPECIALTIESFaster, More Collaborative, & More Controlled Contract Support
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Bold ideas and Extraordinary teamsOur Contract
Management Process
We Know The Importance Of Delivering The Best Customer Experience.

Bold ideas and Extraordinary teamsOur Contract
Management Process
We Know The Importance Of Delivering The Best Customer Experience.

Creation1. Initial Requests: We identify contracts and pertinent documents that support your contract’s purpose.
2. Authoring Contracts: Expert review of templates generated by CLM systems to reduce your risk. -
Collaboration3. Negotiating the Contract: Negotiation is most efficient with a knowledgable contract expert. Blake Consulting LLC builds trust and brainstorms solutions, to negotiate where it matters, for mutually beneficial agreements.
Signing4. Execution of the Contract: Blake Consulting LLC supports electronic signatures in the CML platforms of your choice for timely execution.
Tracking5. Contract Management: Collaboration with project management ensures deliverables are met by key stakeholders and the value of the contract isn’t deteriorating throughout its early phases of growth.
6. Auditing and Reporting: Contract audits may be provided to determine compliance with the terms of the agreement. -
Renewal7. Renewing: We track and provide timely renewals and amendments, including ensuring changing regulatory requirements are captured.